No More Fat Shaming

June 25, 2020

No More Fat Shaming

Friday again, and time to pop your feet up grab your favourite drink, hot or cold (no judgement here) and enjoy my blog!

I read an advert recently that really made me angry. This is an advert for a gym! Can you believe the tactic they have taken? I sure couldn’t! 
“Let me guess ladies. You feel unfit, unattractive, self-conscious and worthless… especially when standing in front of the mirror naked.”

We need to stop using Fat shaming or Fat Phobia as a thinly disguised veil for getting healthy!

To even use the word is worthless!!! Someone who does not have a perceived “perfect body” is certainly not worthless… Wow! 
What makes someone even contemplate thinking ladies feel this way and this could make a good advert?
Why are we being fed pictures with thin models out there in adverts and magazines determining what they perceive “the perfect body” is?
Adverts to lose weight, and headlines to the same effect - these bombard us every week and add to some of the incorrect thinking that you should feel less if your body is different!
It is the industries making money from encouraging women and men to feel that if their body is not the same shape or size, they don’t measure up and will not be desirable. It’s the media, magazines, the “health clubs” and the “diet industries”. We see very few body positive images which are untouched or not Photoshopped. Always advertising how I lost 15 kg or “be your best body”, post baby recovery etc. These all add to the negative body image we are seeing.

You should not be judged for your size or shape or feel embarrassed of your body.
Being healthy and working out to strengthen muscles and bones to enable us to live our lives every day to the fullest should not be driven by the image of a “fit perfect body”.
You should be encouraged to move more for the health benefits and feelings of natural endorphins (feel-good chemicals in our body).

Full figured people shy away from gyms for exactly this reason. If this manager and the supporters (other members) feel I should feel unfit, unattractive and worthless then maybe I am..? There is self doubt that creeps in and they will possibly not go back to the gym again, depending on the resilience and attitude of the person. It could even lead to anxiety and depression around their size and another strain on the health system.

Please take the time to move a little every day. Walk to the end of the street, park a little further away from your destination, take one flight of stairs. These small changes will become a habit and begin your journey to more movement .
Love the body your in!

Be Keane Healthy and Fit

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