Mental Health At Work

October 09, 2024

Mental Health At Work

This year, the theme for World Mental Health Day is 'mental health at work', emphasising how safe and healthy working environments can protect our mental health.

World Mental Health Day takes place every year on October 10 to spotlight mental health around the world, raise awareness of mental health issues and encourage efforts to support those experiencing mental health issues.

The world is constantly changing and there is more information available about mental health and how to support others around mental health issues and how to recognise if someone may be struggling with their mental health. For me, I always choose to be kind as we have no idea what someone is going through 🩷

Many workplaces now run sessions on psychological safety and the importance of everyone ensuring they are behaving in an appropriate manner so as not to cause anyone to feel uncomfortable or unsafe in the work environment. 

Not only leaders but our colleagues are now being asked to look out for each other and ensure everyone comes to work being able to be their whole self and not feel any threat to their mental health.

I know that when asked at work how I am, I always respond with "good thanks". Even on days when I am not so good. As it is easier than explaining all the things that may be going on for me to a work colleague. I don't want to share as I may be judged, I feel shame about having a mental illness, I often don't want to be provided with solutions about how I could fix myself or things I could try, whilst it is kind it is also sometimes exhausting and I often really need to just unload and be heard. Just an ear is what is needed. 

At my #dayjob we also have access to an e-learn about managing mental health risks. It was developed by Beyond Blue and Heads Up and provides scenarios based on common sources and mental health risks in the workplace it's a great starter. 

In addition I wanted share another great initiative at my #dayjob to support people at work with mental health issues that may already exist or for those experiencing something for the first time.

They enlisted a group of caring people who completed an intensive training course to become Peer Support Network. To gain awareness of this new service it was then launched with a free coffee cart (best idea ever says me the coffee lover) there was also juices and hot chocolate 🙂

These people easily be can be found on our intranet or by a special badge they have on their lanyard identifying them as Peer Supporters and they are all a mix of roles, gender and age. It means there should be someone for everyone to reach out to and have someone who can not only listen to them but provide options for further assistance if it is needed.

In addition we also have an employee assistance program that is anonymous and free with many services including 3 sessions with a mental health professional.

Maybe if this does not exist where you work, you could suggest it or take action to make it happen. 

These types of programs help to show everyone that they are important and their mental health is also important to everyone around them.

It's up to all organisations, teams and individuals to step up efforts to: 

  1. Prevent risks to mental health at work.
  2. Promote well-being and protecting mental health at work.
  3. Support personnel with mental health conditions.

Its really important to consider the following:

  • Everyone has a role to play.
  • It is not one size fits all.
  • Integrating mental health and well-being into policies and practices.
  • Leadership support is crucial. 
  • The role of managers is pivotal.
  • Data-informed decision-making.
  • Taking action to support mental health and well-being is possible.

Taking care of your mental health is extremely important to ensuring you remain well and can continue to play your role in your family and community and of course your workplace. 

Need support now?

To speak to someone about anxiety or depression for yourself, a friend or family member:

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