What do memories and intergenerational learning have in common

September 06, 2021

What do memories and intergenerational learning have in common

Every book, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens."
~ Carlos Ruiz Zafón

With choosing to accept whatever opportunity is offered, I ended up winning an award and becoming a co-author of this amazing book - Back Yourself. Which is written by women for women starting their own businesses or in the middle of their journey, with loads of tips and information you won't find anywhere else.
I have my author's copy and could not put it down... The rest of the books will start arriving in the next two weeks and as I only have a limited amount - please pre order if you want one ..... I could even sign it for you! 


In a year (2020) that was weird and often tough, I am so proud of what has been achieved, and this book is just one of the things.

And the opportunities don't stop there - The next amazing thing which is coming my way when I become part of an exclusive Ted circle to discuss the theme of Intergenerational learning. 

Through being an author of a chapter in the book Back Yourself, I got the opportunity to speak at not one but TWO TEDx circles!
Unlike a Ted talk these circles are a group discussion so there's more than one person and they're not recorded and so it's more about the experience that is shared between the people you are in the group with and not you giving a speech that's would go out to the world.

The first topic that we got to speak about was intergenerational learning. I found this a really interesting topic. Each person will have 10 minutes of talking time in the session to share their thoughts, research and take on the topic. I loved this topic and used personal experience to talk about the intergenerational learning through my childhood and what I had learnt from my grandmother and other people of influence in my life. I also looked at or considered the learning that I might have passed on to my children and the learning that I've also been able to pass on or share knowledge with my parents around the technological changes and advances.

Some talked about the skills they had learnt like cooking or how to use tools properly things that they might not have learnt at school. For me, my grandmother taught me an appreciation of the world around us, especially the beach, and she also taught me how to read and enjoy the written word.

The second topic that I was invited to join a circle on was about memories and again I found this quite a personal experience. I spoke about how memories can be not only a thing or an object that remind you of an experience or a person, but also smell because I find that sometimes we experience a sense of smell that provides us with a memory. For me, the smell of the ocean reminds me of happy times living at Portsea where my dad was an officer in the army, how the army camp was our playground and how my mum and dad often dressed up for balls, and we would sleep in a bed upstairs and sometimes sneak down to watch them dancing. (Photo is of dad carrying us to the car captured by the offical photographer- I'm on the left).

It could be something that we might have experienced that was pleasant or it can also be, sadly, unpleasant memories. I spoke of how our memories are not always remembered the same way by everybody that might of even been at the same place and time of an event, as I find it interesting how our brain processes the event and determines what the memory will be. How it also has the power to totally remove memories of events to allow us to cope. Others spoke about computer memory and how this technology is advancing to allow computers to make decisions. They spoke about future use of that technology. Another spoke about being able to remember or memorise information during his school years and studying how much information our memory can hold.

I have to say it's truly an honour to be invited, to hear others views on a topic is exciting and interesting. An experience that if you get a chance I would recommend that you do try it!

Always be open to things that are offered up to you as you just never know where it may lead!!

Brenda x

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