Women's Health Week

September 03, 2024

Women's Health Week

Healthcare Plus-Size Women

As women age, maintaining good health becomes increasingly important. For plus-size women regular health check-ups and screenings play a crucial role in preventing and managing potential health issues. However, navigating the healthcare system can present unique challenges, especially when dealing with biases and stigma. One thing that can avoid some of this is a tailored health care plan, a compassionate and unbiased healthcare provider, and effective communication you’re your healthcare providers.

The Importance of Regular Health Check-Ups and Screenings

Regular health check-ups and screenings are vital for early detection and prevention of various health conditions. For plus-size women, these check-ups are particularly important to monitor and address health issues that may be more prevalent or harder to detect due to weight-related factors.

This is how my pre diabetes and then diabetes was identified and is now being managed.

  1. Routine Health Screening: Regular check-ups that include blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar screenings are essential. These tests help monitor heart health and prevent conditions such as diabetes, (insert me) which may be more common in individuals with higher body weights.
  1. Cancer Screenings: Screenings for cancers, Check your boobies every month, have the mammograms and the pap smears… we all hate them but these pre-screens for things such as breast and cervical cancer, are crucial. Plus-size women should be aware of the recommended frequency for mammograms and Pap smears and ensure they are completed on schedule.
  1. Bone Health: Bone density tests can help detect early signs of osteoporosis, especially important for women over 30 as they approach menopause. Maintaining bone health is crucial, and regular screenings can provide early intervention opportunities.
  1. Customised Care Plans: Every woman's body is unique, and plus-size women should seek customized care plans that consider their specific needs. This may include advice on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications tailored to individual health goals and physical capabilities.

While regular health check-ups are essential, plus-size women often face challenges in the healthcare system, including bias and stigma. These issues can lead to delayed diagnoses, inadequate treatment, or negative experiences that discourage women from seeking care altogether.

Weight Bias in healthcare and other challenges on the healthcare system for not only Plus-size but all women will be discussed in our next blog!

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